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  • kelssart

er Faciolaro

When you go to Rome, you want to see all of the main sights like the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi Fountain, etc. but you’ll also want to go to the best restaurant.

“er Faciolaro” on Via dei Pastini, just a short walk from the Pantheon, was hands down the best food we have ever had. I could post pictures here of the Colosseum and such, but I know you can Google those pictures, so I will mainly highlight this insanely delicious meal.

2 Bottles of Red Wine - Truffle Bruschetta and Melon Topped with Prosciutto - Pasta with Mushrooms and Truffle Sauce - Roman Style Tripe in Red Sauce

2 nights in Rome just wasn’t enough time. We will certainly go back, and we will DEFINITELY pay another visit to “er Faciolaro.”

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